The Hong Kong Issue
We are in this together
We are in this together
1st Jul 2020 in HongKong, acrylic and soft pastel on postcard
Life in HK during COVID19 pandemic
香港人生活日常記錄 - 香港國安法
Part of Extraordinary postcards for extraordinary times, Newlyn Art Gallery, UK
Life in HK during COVID19 pandemic
香港人生活日常記錄 - 香港國安法
Part of Extraordinary postcards for extraordinary times, Newlyn Art Gallery, UK
Face mask 口罩, 2020
“We should all wear face masks for the COVID19 pandemic
But how do we deal with the used facemasks?
口罩包裝盒可以回收再造, 咁口罩點算?”
Part of Art Guerrilla Anytime, Wild Art Festival, Hong Kong
“We should all wear face masks for the COVID19 pandemic
But how do we deal with the used facemasks?
口罩包裝盒可以回收再造, 咁口罩點算?”
Part of Art Guerrilla Anytime, Wild Art Festival, Hong Kong
Shortlisted for Hong Kong Human Right Art Prize 2018
My father was born in Hong Kong and my mother was in Mainland China (My mother's parents were born in Hong Kong but left Hong Kong in order to escape from the Japanese occupation during world war II), therefore my mother was not allowed to come to Hong Kong and live with us until 1998 due to immigration and visitor rules. Hong Kong was a British colony before 1997, Hong Kong permanent residents were able to apply for British National Overseas passport before the handover and HKSAR Passport after the handover. However, having the BNO passport does not grant the right of abode in UK. Under these situations. I started to question my identity and our freedom of choosing where to live and work. We live under the same sky; the world only has one sky; every human should have the same equal rights. The sky in square canvas represents unknown, infinity, but is bounded by an invisible stretcher like country boundary and rules.
我的爸爸在香港出生,媽媽在中國大陸(外公外婆是在香港出生但在第二次世界大戰日本佔領時期逃亡離開香港),所以自小媽媽不能來香港和我一起生活直至1998年。香港在1997年之前是英國殖民地香港永久居民可以申請英國海外護照,回歸後可申請香港特區護照。但擁有英國海外護照不等於擁有在英國工作及居住的權利。在這些情況下我開始詢問自己我的身份和我們在世界上可選擇在不同地方工作和生活的自由。所有人生存在同一個天空下; 全世界都是同一個天空; 所有人類都應平等地擁有同一樣的權利。就如畫布的天空代表我的感覺是不知道,無限但是被畫框像地區界限及規例隱形地限制着。
My father was born in Hong Kong and my mother was in Mainland China (My mother's parents were born in Hong Kong but left Hong Kong in order to escape from the Japanese occupation during world war II), therefore my mother was not allowed to come to Hong Kong and live with us until 1998 due to immigration and visitor rules. Hong Kong was a British colony before 1997, Hong Kong permanent residents were able to apply for British National Overseas passport before the handover and HKSAR Passport after the handover. However, having the BNO passport does not grant the right of abode in UK. Under these situations. I started to question my identity and our freedom of choosing where to live and work. We live under the same sky; the world only has one sky; every human should have the same equal rights. The sky in square canvas represents unknown, infinity, but is bounded by an invisible stretcher like country boundary and rules.
我的爸爸在香港出生,媽媽在中國大陸(外公外婆是在香港出生但在第二次世界大戰日本佔領時期逃亡離開香港),所以自小媽媽不能來香港和我一起生活直至1998年。香港在1997年之前是英國殖民地香港永久居民可以申請英國海外護照,回歸後可申請香港特區護照。但擁有英國海外護照不等於擁有在英國工作及居住的權利。在這些情況下我開始詢問自己我的身份和我們在世界上可選擇在不同地方工作和生活的自由。所有人生存在同一個天空下; 全世界都是同一個天空; 所有人類都應平等地擁有同一樣的權利。就如畫布的天空代表我的感覺是不知道,無限但是被畫框像地區界限及規例隱形地限制着。